Finally the wait is over, this revolutionary little number has reached Europe. Like all great inventions it was born out of necessity. If there is one worthwhile product that you buy this year, either for yourself or a friend, this is it.
For him, her, the young, the old, the infirm, the beauty conscious, this is the product for everyone.
This back lotion applicator has been designed by My-skn.
A new company set up in London by Ashley Buckle. “I got the idea for the lotion applicator from my mother and my husband. Both had commented on different occasions on how nothing had been invented yet to apply moisturisers to their own backs. This got me thinking.”
My-skn was born. Made from a luxury feel non-absorbent material if comes in a range of colours. Simply apply the cream to the material, flip over the shoulder and using the handles on either end rub across the back like you would with a towel. It is also easy to pack if you are travelling or just going to the beach, pool or gym. It is a luxury product that can be used to apply suncream, aftersun, self tanning, your favourite moisturiser, burns treatment, acne treatment just about any product that will give your back the soothe and smooth treatment it deserves. It also works equally well on feet, bums etc. And if that wasn’t enough, Ashley hasn’t stopped there. Currently working on the design and manufacture of an equally exciting project, all we can say it watch this space!
Available for the first time to buy in Europe, there are an exciting range of colours to choose from.
Take BACK control.